Monday, April 26, 2010

STILL ON: Happy Hour & Dance Party to benefit striking Temple Nurses and their Families

With DJ  Phantasma Rojo from 5-8pm.
to BENEFIT Temple Nurses & their Families

Thursday, April 29th
5:00 pm -- 8:00 pm
4811 Chester Ave. (W. Philly)

ADMISSION:  Bring one or more of the items requested by the strikers: Non-Perishable Food, Fruits & Veggies, Diapers (all sizes especially 5 & 6), Wipes, Kid snacks, Juice Boxes, Bath Soap, Dish Soap, Laundry Soap, Toilet Paper, Shampoo & Conditioner, Paper Towels


Although there is a settlement of the strike, the nurses and professionals who have suffered a loss of wages during this four week-long strike still badly need our help. Please support this benefit!

Since March 31, over 1,500 nurses and technical/professional staff at
Temple University Hospital have been on strike, standing up for
patient safety and against blatant union busting efforts by the TUH

Temple University Hospital has hired a notorious strike breaking firm
to bring in scab labor from all over the country. In three weeks, they
spent more to try to break the union than the entire four year
contract would have cost them.

But the striking nurses are standing up to the University’s
union-busting.  Now it’s time to stand up for the nurses whose fight
is really the fight of all working people who want decent pay and
benefits for the work we do.

The union is calling on supporters to pitch in with donations of
basic necessities for the families of the striking workers.

Donations can also be dropped off at the A-Space, 4722 Baltimore Ave, if you can’t make the event.  Cash contributions to support the striking nurses' union can be made on-line at
or by check payable to PASNAP/Temple Solidarity Fund.  Bring the check to the benefit.

For more information call:  215-724-1618 or email:

Sponsored by: Philadelphia International Action Center, Jobs With
Justice, A-Space, Bailout the People Movement, Health Care NOW.

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