Thursday, April 12, 2012

4/13: CIW Rally at Chipotle for Farmworker Justice!

A solidarity request from our friends at CIW:

Food WITHOUT Integrity 
Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 3:00pm
Chipotle at 39th St. & Walnut (3925 Walnut)

Come join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers Saturday, April 14th as we call on Chipotle to live up to its ethical image and help put an end to farmworker exploitation. Chipotle has refused to come to the table with farmworkers to sign a Fair Food Agreement, which would secure a living wage and basic labor protections for workers in the fields of Florida. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) — an internationally-recognized farmworker-led organization — has reached groundbreaking agreements with ten of the world's leading food retailers, including Whole Foods and Trader Joe's

Chipotle has built it’s 1163 stores and $2.27 billion revenue on it’s image of serving “Food with Integrity.”  They claim to focus on ensuring the products they use “are grown, made and shipped without exploiting people.” Yet they refuse to sign a Fair Food Agreement with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and put an end to injustices in their tomato supply chain. Chipotle clings to a go-it-alone approach that lacks transparency, rejects worker participation and, most of all, demonstrates no lasting commitment to upholding the rights of farmworkers. The steps the company claims to be taking fall far short of the substantive, verifiable and enforceable standards that other companies have embraced,  consumers have come to expect, and the situation requires.

Join us in calling on Chipotle to make real a commitment to Food With Integrity by signing a Fair Food Agreement with the CIW!